Easy-Modify Click to View

The "click (or hover) to view" is probably the most common learning activity. While they are not difficult to create, they can be frustrating to modify or reuse. More than once I've had a peer completely frustrated because they made a change which broke their activity. When I saw an attempt at subset completion with over twenty "or" conditions within an action, I knew there was an easier and more efficient way. I created a template to reduce development and testing time.

Modifiable demo:
For demonstration purposes, I added the ability for you to see how easy it is to modify. Normally this functionality is modified within the Lectora file itself, but this will give you an idea of how quickly you can make changes. Click the button at the top right to make changes.

Making changes is a breeze

Designed for fast (within seconds) ability to modify:
  • One to ten buttons.
  • Which buttons to display (especially handy when SMEs change requirements!).
  • The number of buttons required to review for completion.
Also supports:
  • Page tracking of previously completed activities; allows learners to review without requiring them to repeat the activity to continue.